Njoftime/ Donatorët
- Service Contract / Promotional Festivals Mirdita Junik.
- Call for interest “Service Contract Promotional Festivals Mirdita Junik”.
- References’s term “Service Contract Promotional Festivals Mirdita Junik”.
- Service Contract / Design of Future Mind Trail .
- Call for interest ” Service Contract / Design of Future Mind Trail.”
- References’s term “TOR Design Task Future Mind Trail.”
- Supply Contract / Buying electronic equipment.
- Call for interest ”Supply Contract / Buying electronic equipment.”
- References’s term ”Supply Contract / Buying electronic equipment.”
- Rent of a vehicle for the tenure of the project (Closed).
- Rent of a vehicle for the tenure of the project
- References’s term “Rent of a vehicle for the tenure of the project”
- Project logo, Branding strategy and to produce visibility materials (Closed).
- References’s term and Project’s logo, Branding Strategy and to Produce Visibility Materials
- Call for interest, for service Contract for External Actions, to support the Municipality of Mirdita in implementing the project “MIRDITA JUNIK”.